Lacking Motivation

Lacking Motivation…

I don’t know what’s going on, but I am in a funk.  Struggling to stick to my diet plan.  Having trouble getting to the gym, not so much for lack of motivation, but more lack of time and lack of child care.  I did make it yesterday and had a really good work out, but yeah. I think I’m just exhausted.  With it being the end of the kids school year, and with my dad in the hospital still, and work being crazy last week, I’m just worn down. I need a good swift kick to the butt.  Or I just need to focus on refocusing.  I feel a thousand times better when I eat right, and I know this.


Some douche on date hook up yesterday was sending me pictures of his penis.  Yeah buddy that isn’t how you get a girl, and if you are trying to get a girl that way, your bits and pieces better be porn star quality.  His weren’t.  Though it was better than the crazy dude who thought that was the best way to get me to forget he is crazy.

There is another guy on there who messages me constantly.  He’s a real winner.  Lives with his family, can’t drive and ONLY has 6 years left on parole. Sign me up! 

I met a friend for lunch today, that went really well.  Downside is he lives an hour and a half away.  We kinda talked a little about going on a date sometime.  I’ll have to see how that plays out.  It’s really not that far, but with any sort of distance, it can take a lot of planning.


Anyways! I need some motivation suggestions… Feel free to throw suggestions my way!

One thought on “Lacking Motivation

  1. I don’t think you need motivation, I think you need rest. Being a single mom is hard enough. Add in the difficulties with your dad being in the hospital, the seasonal demands of end of school year, and trying to get healthier, and you have 3 heavy doses of stress.

    Give yourself a day or two off from worrying about weight loss and workouts. I am not saying that you should go down a full pizza and a whole cheesecake, but just give it a rest. Let the good habits you’ve been building help you make good choices.

    Keep that attitude through the weekend, and decide to get back on the horse come Monday. You might find a renewed perspective that really helps.

    Just my thoughts. I am sure you will find what works. You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work.

    Oh, and yeah convicts make lousy dates. As for the friend who is 1.5 hours away, remember that is only 45 minutes if you both drive some. Maybe there are places to meet in the middle?

What do you say?